HeroBloks is an attempt to catalogue themed minifigures produced by Lego, compatible brands and commercially available custom figures. While most Lego sites treat non-Lego brands with contempt we embrace them all - from high end customs to the poorest quality bootlegs. The purpose of this site is to provide an insight to what is out there (good and bad), as well as to provide a historical record for when companies have vanished and their products no longer available. At present this site aims to include any themed figures such as those based on comics, movies, books, tv, music, celebrities, sports or real life named characters. It doesn't include self-created themes such as Lego's Ninjago, City or any military/sports figures unless as named individuals. We also do not include figures that deviate dramatically form the standard minifigure design - such as Mega Bloks later action style figures or Mini-mates. If you feel some of these ranges should be included then please get in touch. We are happy to revise content guidelines but this would require somebody taking lead and actively adding the content for these areas. Custom figures are included under the following condition: They are commercially printed and have been available for sale at some point. Essentially this limits entries to pad printed or digitally printed figures. Nothing made with decals should be included. Neither should figures made as special one-off commissions be included.
It is important to stress that we do not sell any products and are in no we endorsed by any of the companies whose figures appear on our site. We take no sides in the moral or legal arguments regarding clone brands, customising or bootlegs. This site is here simply to observe. If you consider content on this site inappropriate or a copyright infringement, please get in touch. Bear in mind that all content/images are user-submitted and aggregated from a plethora of sources and links to original sellers' sites are provided wherever known.
We hope you find this site useful, whether you use it for casual reference, tracking your collection or actively taking part in updating the content. HeroBloks is designed to be user-driven, so the more people put in the more it is possible for people to get out. If you spot any errors or omissions please consider correcting them. If you own figures then please consider uploading real photos to the site to help make this site the best it can be. You can help edit this site once you have registered and validated an account, as well as change various settings from your profile page to tailor its content to suit you.
If you have any problems using the site, or just need some help or advice, you can contact us via our Facebook page or at [email protected].
If you find this site useful then please help spread the word and tell your friends.
© 2014 - 2025 wickedlemon [2041]